Good Documentation Practice
You cannot work in the pharmaceutical industry without hearing these two terms: data integrity and good documentation practices.
The documentation that pharmaceutical manufacturing companies generate is a significant way those companies prove that their products meet the requirements established by the health authorities.
Understanding the criteria of data integrity as it applies to both handwritten and electronic data helps companies ensure they are building quality into the lifecycle of their data. Good documentation practices are directly connected to data integrity, and help embed data integrity into the daily work of pharmaceutical manufacturing. This course will show you why applying the principles of data integrity can help pharmaceutical manufacturing companies ultimately ensure the safety and quality of their products.
Kurset dækker følgende områder:
- Understand the criteria of data integrity
- Define the basic elements of Good Documentation Practices
- Explore the impact of the lack of data integrity through a case study example
- Practice identifying Good Documentation errors and how to address them
Jazmin Webster (Global Training Manager)
Dette kursus er for dig, der gerne vil vide mere om GMP i forhold til kvalitet og integritet og den data du møder i farmaceut industrien.
Eksamen og diplom
Du modtager et certifikat ved færdiggørelse af kurset.
Prisen for dette kursus er 1.295,00 kr. ekskl. moms
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PharmaAConsultancy er et konsulent og uddannelsescenter for studerende og nyuddannede, som gerne vil ud i life-science industrien. Vi ligger vægt på kvalitet og kontinuerlig udvikling af konsulenterne og kursisternes faglige kompetencer. Hos os sikres du et solidt fundament med de...