Employment Law
Do you wish to increase your understanding of the main rules and principles of Danish employment law? During this course, you will acquire knowledge on key topics that you and your company should observe to avoid potentially costly infringements.
Employment law is becoming increasingly complex, and it is important to continuously stay up-to-date on rules and best practices. By joining this course, your company will gain an employee/manager who is equipped with the most recent knowledge, the ability to apply relevant rules, avoid unnecessary costs and diminish the risk of bad publicity in relation to employment issues.
What you’ll learn
The course will provide you with tools to ensure that employment related decisions and initiatives are in compliance with Danish labour law. You will gain insight in the applicable rules and regulations pertaining to aspects of employment spanning from recruitment to termination.
We cover all employee groups, including hourly workers, salaried employees with functions similar to office workers, as well as salaried employees employed both with and without an agreement
The course will provide you with an understanding of the legal foundation applicable within employment relationships in Denmark.
Throughout the course, we will be explaining the most important concepts of Danish employment law – illustrated by practical cases. Our aim is to equip you with skills and knowledge that you can directly apply in your daily work.
The course is aimed at international HR professionals and managers who want a better understanding of Danish employment law, current legal obligations, and best practices in the field of HR and employment law.
Member: 3,400 DKK
Non-member: Not available
Få information
DI - Dansk Industri. Danmarks største arbejdsgiver- og erhvervsorganisation
DI - Dansk Industris vision er et åbent og velstående samfund i vækst og balance. DI - Dansk Industri repræsenterer over 19.000 små og store virksomheder fra stort set alle grene af dansk erhvervsliv over hele landet. De varetager deres...