General Security Awarness | E-learning course
Your yield from General Security Awarness
The course meets the requirements set out in EU regulation 1998/2015, section 11.2.7. The course ensures that you meet the requirement for a course in General security awareness for the companies that are part of the safety chain.
You’ll receive:
- Knowledge of previously performed illegal actions in civil aviation, acts of terror and current threats.
- Knowledge of relevant legal requirements
- Knowledge of what is categorized as illegal objects
- Knowledge of the purpose and organization of aviation security.
- Knowledge about reporting procedures
- Ability to respond appropriately to security-related events.
The course is conducted as e-learning with quiz questions throughout the course, and with a final test which must be passed with 80% correct answers. The student can expect to spend 2 hours on the e-learning course.
People who need a General security awareness course, ie. Drivers transporting air cargo, airport supplies or flight supplies, as well as contractors of suppliers and manufacturers who have access to air cargo, airport supplies or flight supplies.
The course must be taken through the individual company, so it is the companies that must enter into the agreement of the course. The following types of companies have employees who need the course:
- Freight Agents (transport companies, hauliers, freight forwarders)
- Well-known customers (manufacturers approved to make security checks for goods to be airlifted)
- Catering companies (supplying food, magazines, duty free goods to aircrafts or cleaning on airplanes)
- Well-known suppliers (companies that are approved to make security checks for goods to be delivered to airports or aircraft)
Hvorfor vælge Lekon?
Fokus på værdi i kundens hverdag
Udgangspunkt i den enkelte kundes behov
Kurser i inspirerende omgivelser
The price for this course is 295 kr. ex. tax.
Få information
Lekon Rådgivning – inspirerende kurser i øjenhøjde
Lekon Rådgivning ApS er et konsulentfirma, der leverer kompetent og helhedsorienteret rådgivning og systemudarbejdelse på ledelsessystemer indenfor bl.a. kvalitet, miljø, arbejdsmiljø, energi og CSR-området. Derudover tilbyder vi kurser inden for forskellige fagområder, f.eks. el-, kvalitet- og arbejdsmiljø. På vores kurser...