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Sustainable Leadership Transformation

CBS Executive Fonden, i Frederiksberg
10 dage
95.000 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
20 januar, 2025 Se detaljer
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
10 dage
95.000 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
20 januar, 2025 Se detaljer
Uddannelsens hjemmeside

Fremragende Kundekontakt

Denne udbyder er blevet anerkendt af os for at have fremragende kundekontakt.

Vores anerkendelse er givet til de udbydere, der er gode og hurtige til at række ud, efter de har modtaget en forespørgsel.

Hvorfor vælge CBS Executive Fonden?

Højt akademisk niveau

Praksisorienteret, anvendelig viden

Unikke netværksmuligheder på tværs af brancher og sektorer


1 tilgængelig startdato

20 januar, 2025

  • Holdundervisning
  • Frederiksberg


Sustainable Leadership Transformation

Courageous companies give more than they take

A growing number of companies have begun the journey towards a more sustainable business. We see that companies that have embraced action on environmental, social, and governance issues are thriving and outpacing their competitors. Traditional corporate social responsibility no longer cuts it – Leaders must rethink what a business is and how it drives change in the world. The economics of business as usual will not favor them, society won’t accept them, and younger generations won’t work for them

Nordic ethos and global footprint

We believe that the Nordic Ethos of long-term thinking, collaboration and consensus provides a fertile ground for accelerating sustainable transformation. The program 'Sustainable Leadership & Transformation' will leverage this ethos to enable Nordic participants to understand and exploit their competitive advantages and international participants to be inspired​.

Your key learning points

We analyze your strategic sustainbility gaps, align them with your corporate strategy and develop your strategic roadmap.

  • Master the language of sustainability to drive the conversation on dilemmas, trade-offs and opportunities in your setting
  • Cultivate a sustainable leadership mindset and map out the gaps and opportunities in your ecosystem
  • Develop and integrate your strategic vision and align your organization for impact
  • Create lasting value and become part of a community of practice supporting ongoing collaboration and growth  

Throughout the program, you will learn to apply learnings from expert practitioners and advisors who have experienced the opportunities and challenges of real life transformations​.

World Class Thought Leaders

Throughout this program you will meet world class thought leaders and subject matter experts:

Paul Polman, the co-author of Net Positive and former CEO of Unilever, has inspired us to build our program around the Net Positive Manifesto stating that companies must play an active role in solving our biggest shared challenges.

Katherine Richardson is a Professor in Biological Oceanography, leader of the Sustainability Science Centre and a researcher for the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate at the University of Copenhagen. She is renowned for her update on the Planetary Boundary framework and shows human activities are increasingly impacting the planet and, thereby, increasing the risk of triggering dramatic changes in overall Earth conditions.

Andreas Rasche, Professor of Business in Society at the Centre for Sustainability at Copenhagen Business School, is the Academic Director throughout the program. His research and teaching examine the intersection of corporate sustainability, politics, and strategic management in the governance of contested global issues. 

Poornima Luhtra, Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School, is a talented DEIexpert championing inclusive workplaces. Poornima is on the Thinkers50 Radar, and her publication The Art of Active Allyship was featured on the Thinkers50 Best New Management Booklist in 2023.


Please note that you apply for this program by filling out the application form at the top of this page.

Once you have applied for the program, we will evaluate your application and profile. Please add to the application if you prefer a 30 minute Teams call to accommodate any questions you might have about the program.


  • Executives
  • Senior Leaders
CBS Executive Fonden
Porcelænshaven 22
2000 Frederiksberg

Kompetenceløft og ledelsesudvikling med CBS Executive

CBS Executive har mere end 20 års erfaring i at udvikle forskningsbaserede ledelseskurser og uddannelsesforløb for ledere og specialister i både offentlige og private organisationer.   Deltagerne undervises primært af forskere og professorer fra CBS kombineret med praktikere fra erhvervslivet, som...

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