Fremragende Kundekontakt
Denne udbyder er blevet anerkendt af os for at have fremragende kundekontakt.
Vores anerkendelse er givet til de udbydere, der er gode og hurtige til at række ud, efter de har modtaget en forespørgsel.
Hvorfor vælge CBS Executive Fonden?
Højt akademisk niveau
Praksisorienteret, anvendelig viden
Unikke netværksmuligheder på tværs af brancher og sektorer
ESG – Climbing the Data Mountain to Execute Strategy
This course endeavours to dissect the intricate challenges surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics, reporting and firms’ strategic considerations relating to sustainability. By taking this course you will be equipped with essential instruments to leverage and implement these metrics effectively.
ESG is not a 'Like to have' but a ‘Must have'!
Our planet’s and people’s future has become a priority for a wide range of stakeholders, and the rising methodology for assessing this priority is ESG. It is universally recognized that the financial and the private sector are key stakeholders who contribute to remedying social inequality, unethical company operations, carbon emissions, deforestation, and pollution to name just a few global issues. With more and more firms responding to these challenges as well as working to improve the negative impact their production processes have on the planet, understanding how ESG data and methodologies can support the reporting and the assessment of these ambitions is fundamental.
Course content
In this course participants can anticipate a comprehensive exploration of ESG dynamics, poised to offer not only theoretical insights but also practical applications. Through the course instructors’ combined expertise and industry acumen, participants will gain invaluable perspectives and tools vital for navigating the nuanced landscape of ESG metrics and their real-world implications.
Key benefits
By taking this course, you will be immersed in the real world of how companies can define their ESG strategy and follow the right frameworks to assess, analyse and disclose ESG data. Thus, you will develop ESG competencies within the following areas:
ESG Literacy - Participants will get more acquainted with ESG data relevance, methodologies, usage and ESG indicators
ESG Strategic Levers - Participants will learn to leverage ESG opportunities for long-term business success and reputation building.
ESG Stewardship - Participants will gain a deeper comprehension of the regulatory frameworks around ESG data, vis-a-vis ESG company strategies; and
ESG Crisis Management - How to handle situations when situations go wrong and how to handle difficult ESG conversations. All course material and teaching is in English.
- Senior Leaders
- Managers
Price, excl.VAT: DKK 28,000.00
Kompetenceløft og ledelsesudvikling med CBS Executive
CBS Executive har mere end 20 års erfaring i at udvikle forskningsbaserede ledelseskurser og uddannelsesforløb for ledere og specialister i både offentlige og private organisationer. Deltagerne undervises primært af forskere og professorer fra CBS kombineret med praktikere fra erhvervslivet, som...