Fremragende kundekontakt
Denne udbyder er blevet anerkendt af os for at have fremragende kundekontakt.
Vores anerkendelse er givet til de udbydere, der er gode og hurtige til at række ud, efter de har modtaget en forespørgsel.
Hvorfor vælge Aros Business Academy?
Vi brænder for at give dig en reel opgradering af dit kompetenceniveau
Der er fokus på praktiske øvelser kombineret med solid faglig viden
Kurserne tilpasses dine forudsætninger og behov
Leading People and Teams
Stock your portfolio with tools, theory, and practical know-how over 3 intensive course days. The course will save you a lot of mistakes and strengthen your abilities in leadership and management.
This course takes your personal leadership role as its starting point. The focus is to look at both your personal and professional background and qualifications, so you can take a conscious decision about what kind of leader you want to be. This gives you the opportunity to reflect on your role as leader and a platform to discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses with the other participants and your instructor. The course is heavily centered around knowledge sharing and feedback between the participants.
Three days packed with knowledge, experience exchange and training
Through tailored cases and exercises and the newest theories on leadership you will share experiences and train situations and confrontations close to practice. You will get useful insights into your own, your employees and co-workers reaction patterns and learn how to use these insights to further develop to the leader you want to be.
What will you gain from the course?
- Understand modern leadership and management demands
- Develop greater confidence in your leadership capabilities
- Adapt your leadership approach to the context and as your role change
- Understand your team and how to motivate, develop and lead the team members
- Appreciate the psychology behind change and facilicate better processes
- Use insights to engage effectively with your employees and stakeholders
- Lead effectively through situations involving conflicts
This course is for team leaders, project managers and leaders who experience increased responsibilities and who want to stand stronger in their leadership role.
Få information
Vores passion er at skabe reel forandring for dig!
Vælg at tage en uddannelse eller et kursus hos Aros Business Academy og vær sikker på én ting: Vi brænder for at optimere betingelserne for, at du oplever en reel forandring af dit kompetenceniveau. Til glæde for dig. For din...